
Welcome to the website for the class of RMC Duntroon 1972. If you were part of our journey you are invited to participate in the site.

Comments and photos to be uploaded as blog contributions or matters relating to the administration of the site may be emailed to rmcclassof1972@gmail.com. To comment on blog posts by others, simply hit the ‘comment’ button below the post and write your comment.

To receive notifications by email of posts to this site, enter your email address and click on the ‘Follow’ button to the right. A confirmatory email will be sent to you – be sure to click on the Confirm Now button in that email. A new screen will appear titled Subscription Management – ignore it, don’t touch it but instead just close it down or do whatever you do to exit on your device. You will then receive another email confirming how cool you are that you are now an email follower of this site and telling you how to unsubscribe at a later date if your email address changes.

Please keep in mind that this is not a forum to settle old scores, nor to float your political or social beliefs. As always, mutual respect of others’ feelings is the order of the day.

Oh, and you may hear some music and shouting which could give you nightmares, by reminding you of endless hours on the parade ground in Canberra’s hot summer sun or freezing winters. Remember to look after your mental health and if needed, simply turn your volume down. If you are using Apple’s Safari, you’ll need to have Autoplay set on – click on the button to see how to do it.